Photo Courtesy of Designer Anne Ciccoini

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Today was Lisa's turn

Today Lisa, my assistant worked with me at the show home. This was her first time working there. She really enjoyed going around the rooms and looking at everyone's designs.

We had the opportunity to meet several new decorators. I always like putting faces with names I have heard.

Today wasn't as busy as yesterday, or it didn't seem to be. I was prepared though. I had a burger and fries and some cans of soda in my bag and stuck them in the closet. I would go in and take a couple of bites when no one was looking. I did get caught once. I had the whole package of fries in my hand and turned around and there was this couple staring at me. I felt like a 10 year old getting caught. Oh well, it's my stuff. If I want to eat on it, I can. At least that's what I tell my kids.

Have some ideas for future business that I can't wait to set in motion. I just need to clear my thoughts and put them down on paper.

We have a busy week ahead. Actually have several busy weeks but that is good. I'm not complaining. I just need a plan of action.

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