Photo Courtesy of Designer Anne Ciccoini

Sunday, March 28, 2010

It's Over!!!

I hate to say this but I'm really glad that the Roswell Show Home is finally over. It was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed it but it has been a long month. I went to the after party tonight and it was a good time. They had a buffet spread that was really tasty. We sat with the builder and his family. They actually have a buyer for the house, they think. The next few days are crucial.

I am finishing up things for the Atlanta Symphony House tomorrow, I might work a little tonight but it's not looking good for that. My eyes are really heavy.

I've made some decisions regarding the business. I'm going to tighten up a little as far as hours go. I have a tendency to spread work out all over but I think I'm going to have set hours and not deviate from that. No more running all over. (Let's see how that works out)

Going to start the week fresh, feel creative and get things done.

The above picture is from a house in Naples, Florida that we did. We designed the cornice to look like a skateboard. We had not seen the room at all. It goes pretty well if I do say so myself.

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