Photo Courtesy of Designer Anne Ciccoini

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Move out, Move in

Today, I had to take draperies down to Buckhead for the Atlanta Symphony Show Home. I fought morning Atlanta traffic then raced back to the workroom to finish the bedskirt then left here at 12:15 to move out of the Roswell Woman's Club House. I left there, came back to the workroom, unloaded everything then loaded the car with all the bedding for the Symphony Showhome and then raced back to Buckhead to deliver. I got stuck in 5:00 traffic for an hour and a half to get home, with all the kids in the car. They were really good though. I got home and my husband wanted to go out to dinner for our makeup anniversary that we missed.......needless to say, I don't feel like getting dressed or being romantic. I just want to put on pjs and chill out. Oh, well.

I hope everything goes good with the Atlanta Symphony Show. I really worked hard on everything. I can't wait to see it all done.

The above picture was a house in Naples, Florida that we did.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

It's Over!!!

I hate to say this but I'm really glad that the Roswell Show Home is finally over. It was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed it but it has been a long month. I went to the after party tonight and it was a good time. They had a buffet spread that was really tasty. We sat with the builder and his family. They actually have a buyer for the house, they think. The next few days are crucial.

I am finishing up things for the Atlanta Symphony House tomorrow, I might work a little tonight but it's not looking good for that. My eyes are really heavy.

I've made some decisions regarding the business. I'm going to tighten up a little as far as hours go. I have a tendency to spread work out all over but I think I'm going to have set hours and not deviate from that. No more running all over. (Let's see how that works out)

Going to start the week fresh, feel creative and get things done.

The above picture is from a house in Naples, Florida that we did. We designed the cornice to look like a skateboard. We had not seen the room at all. It goes pretty well if I do say so myself.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Another Sunday Working

I am loving the new vehicle!!! I am not one of these people that is so wrapped up in status or what I am driving but I am in the car all day long most days so I want a car that is comfortable to be riding in, ie: air conditioning, wheel bearings, etc. I am so thankful to have a nice, reliable car to drive around in. Anyone want to take bets on how long I can keep it clean? I will give you a little hint, not long!!! I will try to change my ways, though. LOL.

I went to work at the show home today. Several of the items were selling which was encouraging. There was this really cute high school senior there who was a volunteer. We had a good time talking to her. I am totally out of business cards so I am having to improvise with some of the older cards. I hate that.

We had lunch at LaMadeline. I have eaten there more in the last month than ever in my whole life. It is right down the street from the show house so I am taking advantage of it.

I have a major busy week working on the items for the Atlanta Symphony Show House. I am really anxious about getting started but usually once I start cutting, I get into the groove.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Final Straw

I went by the local Ford dealership this morning before going to staff the show house. I looked at several models that I liked but still wasn't convinced that I was ready for a car note. I haven't had one in several years.

I had a good time at the house and met a lot of really nice people. Denise was there for a little while and I talked a little with some of the other designers that were there.

I decided to leave and meet my husband at the dealership so we could take a second look at the cars. I got on the shuttle, got to my car, backed out of the spot and heard the most awful sound. My tire was flat. I hate to say this but it looked as though it was punctured. I had to wait and hour for him to get there to change the tire and when he put the spare on, it was flat too!!!!! He had to take it off, take it to the gas station and air it up. Bring it back and put it back on. Crazy!! We left there and went to the dealership and traded the car in. I am now an SUV driver and not a van driver. I really like it though. I just hope that all my window treatments fit in it.

Friday, March 19, 2010

TGIF, Kind Of

It's Friday!! The only thing is that I have to work all weekend at the show home. This is really the last weekend I can work there because I have a class next weekend in Birmingham, AL.

I hope this weekend is pretty productive even if I am out of cards. I found some postcards with the business old name on them. I guess I could pass those out. I don't know, it seems a little tacky but what choice do I have?

We worked on several things today. We didn't get as far as I wanted but I will work a little this weekend on some things. The kids were out of school today so there were plenty of interruptions. They still are interrupting as I type.

It is the most beautiful day. Sunshine. I haven't seen that in a while. I know I should get some more work done and clean but............I think the kids could use the fresh air.

I have 2 retail appointments next week. Maybe the retail side of things is starting to pick up. The decorators I work with seem to be pretty steady. Hopefully the warmer weather is making people want to do some inside "fixing" up as well as outside.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Personal Triumph

Today was much better. I had a personal triumph today for which I am very happy and very relieved.

We worked on crib bedding all day today and I had to make a run for supplies. Fun, Fun. I have some panels to work on but am still waiting on measurements. know who you are. LOL.

Tomorrow we are working on items for the Atlanta Symphony Show Home in Buckhead. I have to have everything done by Friday of next week. This is a great opportunity for us so I'm really excited.

Denise worked at the Roswell Show Home today. It was realtor day and she said it was really busy. I'm out of cards, I'm totally out of cards and need to order more. One more thing I procrastinate on. I have to get that done tonight.

I just found out today that the kids are out of school tomorrow. Yeah, I know!!!

How do you handle someone in your field of business that is constantly disparaging you to others? Do you say something or do you ignore it and let that person reap what they sow? I'd appreciate comments. Sometimes you just don't know how to handle situations.

Today WILL Be Better

Yesterday was such a cruddy day. I don't know if all this dark, gloomy weather is getting to me or what! I am ready for some sunshine.

I got a check from a decorator yesterday. She had shorted me 20.00 on an install. She says that is what I quoted her but I can't imagine doing that. I missed my anniversary diner because of this install. The customer even asked me to carry this MASSIVE piece of art into her home from the garage. I had to go around the front of the house and "walk" it all the way up her front stairs. I did this to add that little bit of customer service for the decorator and I get shorted. I was so discouraged the rest of the day.

I had an install yesterday afternoon that took 4 hours. Most of the time, I was just sitting there watching the install. I even read a book to the customer's little girl while I waited. Actually, it was 2 books. She was really sweet so I didn't mind.

I have to use what installer the decorator chooses and sometimes it's weird when you don't really know them. I knew this guy because this decorator uses him all the time. It just really helps when you know them well because you know how they work and can help them more.

Plus, when you are sitting there forever, you can chit chat while you are working. lol.

Today I'm going to work on crib bedding and some panels and go back to being encourage.
The above picture is one that Kami from KHeaton Photography took from the show home.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What a Headache

I have had the worst headache all day. Good thing nothing required a lot of thinking today.

I bought an iron. Not the really expensive one but this one was pretty pricey. We needed it today with ironing those linen panels. Linen that was in a bag for about 2 years. It took several hours.

We started on some crib bedding today. The fabrics are so cute. I can't wait to see how it turns out. I love making crib bedding. The prices for custom really aren't that bad. You would spend more going to Babies are us and getting one of their sets. (Unless you get expensive fabrics). Then, you get to pick what you want and no one else would have it. I like it when parents choose fabrics that are their style and not just "girl" or "boy". You can take sophisticated fabrics and accessorize them to go in an infants room. That way, things can grow with the child instead of having to change everything every couple of years. Changing things, though, can be fun too!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Never Again, again.

Everytime someone asks me to alter draperies that someone else did, I always say "I will never do this again!" I always end up doing it again. Of course, this time it was linen and linen stretches so bad. We took all the hems out and nothing was even at the bottom. It took forever to get the hems straight and to the length we needed. AAAAHHHHH!!! It drove me crazy.

I got a lot of yardage and hardware figured today from last week.

Family stuff sprung up in the middle of the day and got me distorted but I quickly snapped out of it. After spending several hours on that, I felt like someone cracked me over the head with a baseball bat. I still have that headache. It could have been from the fact that I started back on Atkin's diet today and am in carb withdrawal.

I have been working really hard to get my Facebook page for the business up and running. I have been trying to keep up with posts and pictures so that customers can link there from the website. I think I finally have it where I want it. Now all I have to do is stay on top of things. That shouldn't be too hard since I am on the computer all the time.

I got an email from a lady I met at the show home yesterday saying how much she enjoyed our stuff and what a great show home it is. I thought that was so nice. Feedback like that really makes my day.

Someone left the monitor on down here and I can hear what the boys are saying upstairs. Let's just say, I'd better go check on things.

P.S. The above picture is from the great room of the show home. We did these draperies for Park Place Interiors.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Today was Lisa's turn

Today Lisa, my assistant worked with me at the show home. This was her first time working there. She really enjoyed going around the rooms and looking at everyone's designs.

We had the opportunity to meet several new decorators. I always like putting faces with names I have heard.

Today wasn't as busy as yesterday, or it didn't seem to be. I was prepared though. I had a burger and fries and some cans of soda in my bag and stuck them in the closet. I would go in and take a couple of bites when no one was looking. I did get caught once. I had the whole package of fries in my hand and turned around and there was this couple staring at me. I felt like a 10 year old getting caught. Oh well, it's my stuff. If I want to eat on it, I can. At least that's what I tell my kids.

Have some ideas for future business that I can't wait to set in motion. I just need to clear my thoughts and put them down on paper.

We have a busy week ahead. Actually have several busy weeks but that is good. I'm not complaining. I just need a plan of action.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Great Day!!!

Kami came to the showhome to take photos today and ended up staying the whole day with me. We really had a good time. We met some nice people and made some great contacts. One of my friends, Kerri came by and we gave her the grand tour and she ended up staying with us as well.
I was so excited by all the positive comments we got about our rooms. Everyone really seemed to like everything. It really is invigorating to hear. I am so thankful that I get to do what I love to do.
I was able to talk to some of the other decorators and do a little marketing. I was so hungry but we were waiting on Kerri to get there. When she did, we got ready to go eat lunch and found that the cafe had just closed!!!! Of course, since I was coughing up dust I was so hungry. We got some snacks from the hospitality table and I talked the girl who was closing up the cafe to let me have the display diet coke. It was room temperature but I didn't care. I was in withdrawal. I made that little snack last until Kerri and I could go to LaMadeline's and eat after the show. AAAAHHHHHH!!! I love that place.
I will post some of the pictures that Kami took as soon as she emails them to me.
The above photo is from one of my most favorite clients. She has just listed her daughter's condo, where this photo was taken. Check out my Facebook page for information on sale if you are interested.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Made Really Good Time

I actually made good time today around Atlanta. Started the day in Dunwoody, then 2 stops in Alpharetta. Made my way over to Norcross then up through Marietta and to Roswell. I got back to the workroom around 1:30. For those of you who know Atlanta, that is a Nascar qualifying time. Got a lot of measuring done and picked up lots of fabric. I have my work "cut out" for me. (Ha-ha, get it). JK

I'm considering a new iron. A Rowenta. I used one a couple of weeks ago that belonged to another workroom and loved it. I have some linen panels to install next week and I could sure use a heavy duty iron. $140.00 for an iron. I don't know. This one was awesome though.

I am planning on working at the show home most of the weekend and doing paperwork tonight. My husband and I will put the kids to bed and go down to the workroom, he with his computer and my with mine. We will eat dessert and drink coffee and each tap away on our laptops. We will put a movie in the dvd player, that way we can say that we are at least "watching a movie together". LOL.

AAAAAHHHHHH, the life.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day Started Great..........That should have been a clue.

Yes, this day started pretty good. I stopped by at the local walmart to pick up a few things. I was standing in the checkout line flipping through magazines. I got to "Atlanta" magazine and BAM!!! There I was. There was a photo and nice little write up about the business. I screamed out and grabbed every copy they had in line. People must have thought I was crazy. I didn't care. I was so excited. It was just a little write up but I will take anything I can get.

We changed the hem in some panels we were working on and messed around a little in the workroom.

I got a call from a guy who wants me to advertise in his magazine. The thing is, that I have advertised there before with NO response whatsoever!!!! With these mailout magazines, you have to wonder, do they get mailed at all? How could you possibly check that kind of thing?

Then came the parenting issues.....Need I say more. That took up the rest
of my day.

I am doing some research on hardware and grommets at the moment. Hopefully I can find what I'm looking for.
The above photo is a chair that I designed and had made by Chris for the show home. It is grey silk and velvet print flowers on it. There are about 500 nailheads on this chair.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Weird Day

Well, It has been raining which means my basement is flooding again. Great. Had to deal with that first thing this morning. The "n" key on my laptop only works if you beat it. This laptop has been a pain since I got it.

We finished some panels today. Got to the install and the customers idea of bottom of trim was not mine or the itstallers idea of bottom of the trim, so I had to bring them back to change the length. (BTW, the customer had several layers of trim). No biggie, I will repleat in the morning and get them back to her tomorrow afternoon.

I also found out that all the bedding and draperies for the Buckhead Symphony showhome are due by the 30th. I was like great, the 30th of April, no, the 30th of March!!!!!.

I just got home at 8:30 this evening from a meeting with a decorator. I'm really excited because it seems like she is going to let me do some really cool things. I can't wait.

We had to do some mitered corners today, we were drawing a blank so we broke out a training video. That's pretty tired. LOL.

Some days can be really hard but I really do love my job.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Pillows and Paperwork

Today we cut out pillows, or should I say that Lisa cut out pillows. I finished up a lot of paperwork and sent out email and did some ordering.

We are having the basement worked on so there was a lot of really loud noise going on. I feel like we got enough accomplished though.

I have several orders to get out this week with a really big order due next week. Enough to keep us busy, which is really good.

The photo above is of the large swag order that we did several weeks ago. Hope you like it.

Friday, March 5, 2010

It is DONE

The Roswell Women's Club show home is finally done. It opened thursday morning to really good reviews.

Everything turned out great. I had such amazing help with Chris at Town and Country and Denise from Decor Infusion. Also Mark at Award Fabrics. Everyone came together to make it fabulous.

We did have a little drama though. I was running so late that the decorator in the next room was having a fit thinking that I wasn't getting everything done. There was a little back and forth but in the end, we came through. I have never had anything ready early I don't think but I always get it done.

Right in the middle of having to get the house done, I had a huge order that needed to be installed. Lisa and I stayed up until 2:30am to get it done. I got back up at 6am to get ready and load the car. I would say that I was ready for the weekend but I worked the whole time. I need another vacay. I will be at the show home working all weekend through the end of the month. I have enjoyed the people I have met and the contacts I have made. Things really seem to be going well by the grace of God. I had to laugh because everything that could go wrong, did. We were up against all kinds of pressure and I was having my doubts for while. I said that if I got any positive response, it would have to be heaven sent. Right after that, we had several people tell us that ours was their favorite room. LOL.

If you can, please visit our rooms as well as the great room done by Park Place Interiors. I did the window treatments and some of the pillows in there as well. You can get information at