Photo Courtesy of Designer Anne Ciccoini

Friday, January 29, 2010

Back from Paris

Well, I made it back from Paris safe and sound. I wanted to post from there but getting internet access was a challenge at times.
We had such a great trip. There is nothing like going away with your girlfriends. We laughed and laughed.
The Maison Object show was truly an amazing experience. The center was 2,300,000 (Yes, 2 million, three hundred thousand) square feet of Interior Design and Fabric companies. I went 2 full days and still could not see everything. I was able to take a few photos but mainly just did some sketching. Photos were a no no.
I did come back with so many new design ideas, not just from the show but from a lot of walking around Paris and window shopping. Every window front seemed to be better than the last. Truly, it was everything I thought it would be and more. I was not disappointed at all.
I met some designers from San Francisco (In a cookie shop of all places), a couple from Los Angeles (at Starbucks) and I met Hillary Swank on one of my walks. I didn't recognize her at first, I was lost and needed directions. She was very friendly though.
I will post pics this weekend. Jetlag is rough.

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