Photo Courtesy of Designer Anne Ciccoini

Friday, January 15, 2010


Well, the first week of my blog is over and I'm really enjoying writing it. I am so thankful that God allows me to do what I love to do. I was up around midnight last night making a pattern for today's work and I thought, this really doesn't feel like work. I have always heard, do for a living what you would do for free and it will never seem like work. It is so true.

My assistant Lisa really held down the fort today. I had appointments this morning and this afternoon and had yardage to figure so she was working alone most of the day. She really got a lot done. I don't know what I would do without her. I would post a picture but she won't let me take one of her. We have a really good time working together, watching movies, talking. We both are addicted to chocolate but I've cut back on carbs so she eats it for me. She did buy me low carb chocolate but some things just do not need to be diet. Chocolate and salad dressing just need to have the fat and carbs in them.

Going to spend the first part of next week finishing up orders and tying up loose ends so I can get ready for the Paris trip. I'm getting anxious and ready to go. I hope I come back totally inspired and ready to take the business to the next level.

I'm pretty sure I've decided to hire someone else to help out. We just have so much going on, we could really use someone to help. We do a lot of handwork that takes up a great deal of time. Having a third person would really be great. I guess I have to start looking. It's going to have to be someone that can put up with Lisa and me.

I spoke with an art gallery tonight about having some of their work hanging in the Roswell show home. They seemed really interested and had some great pieces. I look forward to working with them.

It's a holiday weekend and I am planning on taking it off, if I can. Will post later. Have a great holiday!!!!

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