Photo Courtesy of Designer Anne Ciccoini

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Why are Thursdays always the same?

Thursdays are always the same. I seem to have deliveries every friday and the kids have all their dance and piano lessons in the afternoon. I always feel under the gun when trying to get everything done but seem to fall short and I end up working all evening.

We were supposed to alter some panels today from 120 inches to 90 inches, only when we laid them out to cut, they were only 84 inches. Yikes. After some phone calls to the decorator, we ended up adding a banding to the top and Voilla!!! 90 inch panels. It took several hours out of my day but we got it done. Hence, my working tonight.

Got some photos in from a house we did. They turned out so good. I have never had professional pictures of my work done. I'm so excited. I have changed the main photo to one of the new ones and today's post has a photo. The keeping room window treatments were made with hardware that I custom designed for the client. I drew out all the specs and between faxes and calls to the company, we got it made. I was holding my breath while we were installing, afraid it wouldn't fit, but thankfully, it did. Enjoy the photos. More to come.

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