Photo Courtesy of Designer Anne Ciccoini

Friday, January 29, 2010

Back from Paris

Well, I made it back from Paris safe and sound. I wanted to post from there but getting internet access was a challenge at times.
We had such a great trip. There is nothing like going away with your girlfriends. We laughed and laughed.
The Maison Object show was truly an amazing experience. The center was 2,300,000 (Yes, 2 million, three hundred thousand) square feet of Interior Design and Fabric companies. I went 2 full days and still could not see everything. I was able to take a few photos but mainly just did some sketching. Photos were a no no.
I did come back with so many new design ideas, not just from the show but from a lot of walking around Paris and window shopping. Every window front seemed to be better than the last. Truly, it was everything I thought it would be and more. I was not disappointed at all.
I met some designers from San Francisco (In a cookie shop of all places), a couple from Los Angeles (at Starbucks) and I met Hillary Swank on one of my walks. I didn't recognize her at first, I was lost and needed directions. She was very friendly though.
I will post pics this weekend. Jetlag is rough.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tomorrow is the Day

I can't believe that I'm leaving for Paris tomorrow!!!! I'm really excited but very nervous too. We spent the day getting one last order out before I leave. I'm spending the evening wrapping up a little paperwork and yardage estimates and will cut out an order in the morning for Lisa (my assistant) to work on while I'm gone and then I'm out of here.

I can't wait to see what awaits me in "The City of Lights". I'm hoping to come back so inspired and ready to create some amazing window treatments, bedding and pillows. I already have things swirling around in my head.

I took a few more pictures of Sarah working with us today. She pulled up a chair and scrap of material and started working.

Have a good night everyone. I hope I can get internet service in Paris.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Well, the first week of my blog is over and I'm really enjoying writing it. I am so thankful that God allows me to do what I love to do. I was up around midnight last night making a pattern for today's work and I thought, this really doesn't feel like work. I have always heard, do for a living what you would do for free and it will never seem like work. It is so true.

My assistant Lisa really held down the fort today. I had appointments this morning and this afternoon and had yardage to figure so she was working alone most of the day. She really got a lot done. I don't know what I would do without her. I would post a picture but she won't let me take one of her. We have a really good time working together, watching movies, talking. We both are addicted to chocolate but I've cut back on carbs so she eats it for me. She did buy me low carb chocolate but some things just do not need to be diet. Chocolate and salad dressing just need to have the fat and carbs in them.

Going to spend the first part of next week finishing up orders and tying up loose ends so I can get ready for the Paris trip. I'm getting anxious and ready to go. I hope I come back totally inspired and ready to take the business to the next level.

I'm pretty sure I've decided to hire someone else to help out. We just have so much going on, we could really use someone to help. We do a lot of handwork that takes up a great deal of time. Having a third person would really be great. I guess I have to start looking. It's going to have to be someone that can put up with Lisa and me.

I spoke with an art gallery tonight about having some of their work hanging in the Roswell show home. They seemed really interested and had some great pieces. I look forward to working with them.

It's a holiday weekend and I am planning on taking it off, if I can. Will post later. Have a great holiday!!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Why are Thursdays always the same?

Thursdays are always the same. I seem to have deliveries every friday and the kids have all their dance and piano lessons in the afternoon. I always feel under the gun when trying to get everything done but seem to fall short and I end up working all evening.

We were supposed to alter some panels today from 120 inches to 90 inches, only when we laid them out to cut, they were only 84 inches. Yikes. After some phone calls to the decorator, we ended up adding a banding to the top and Voilla!!! 90 inch panels. It took several hours out of my day but we got it done. Hence, my working tonight.

Got some photos in from a house we did. They turned out so good. I have never had professional pictures of my work done. I'm so excited. I have changed the main photo to one of the new ones and today's post has a photo. The keeping room window treatments were made with hardware that I custom designed for the client. I drew out all the specs and between faxes and calls to the company, we got it made. I was holding my breath while we were installing, afraid it wouldn't fit, but thankfully, it did. Enjoy the photos. More to come.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Busy Day

Wow, what a busy day this was. Had a measure this morning that was supposed to be 7 rooms and turned out to be 14. I'm not complaining, it's business. It took longer than I planned though, so I will have to make up the time tonight by getting some work done. Oh well, I will put in a movie and see how much I can get done before the movie is over. LOL. That is how I pace myself. I'm excited about this job, though. This designer always lets me do really different stuff and add a little creative detail to things.
I have an assistant, Lisa, who works here full time with me. We do really well together but on days like today, I think how nice it would be to have one more person to work. It really hurts when I have to be out of the workroom, but I have to be out of the workroom to get the work. I guess I can't win.
I am putting together some sample pieces to start doing a drapery trunk show. You've heard of Pampered Chef or Southern Living at Home. This would be the same concept but instead of home decor items, it would be samples of draperies, pillows, etc. The samples would show different fabrics, trims and details that could be added to draperies. The best part is, NO SELLING. Your friends could get together for food and fun without the need to pull out their pocketbooks. They could enjoy all the goodies, guilt free. I say this because I designed a drapery panel that takes a certain kind of fabric and I have looked high and low for it without any luck, but today, I found it. The sample is being put in the mail today. I will post a pic when I get it made. I think it will look really cool, we'll see though.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Getting back to normal

Today was a much better day. Had a little drama in the morning-non work related, but we got a top treatment done for a client.

She gave me the fabric and a picture. I love not having a pattern, no really. Almost anyone can take a pattern and make something look decent but when you have to analyze a photo and get the proportions and details right, it is such a challenge. It also helps me perfect my pattern making skills.

All the kids were back at school except Sarah, my almost 2 year old. She is our little workroom "helper". She has a playroom off the workroom and her own ironing board and iron. She will pick up scraps and "iron" them for us. Maybe she will want to follow in her mother's footsteps.

My passport came in as well as my electronic badge for the Maison Objet' show in Paris. One more week to go.

I have a little more work to do tonight to get caught up so I guess I will make a starbucks run and get busy.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Snow Day

It was another snow day here so of course, I got nothing done. My studio is in my basement and I have 5 kids. Need I say more. When I came upstairs to check on them, the house was wrecked. Not a little messy, we are talking marshmellows on the floor, bread on the coffee table, naked toddlers, the works. (I did make them clean it all up) I'm so ready for school to get back in session. I had just got my routine back in order from the holidays and then snow. I need a little order back!!!
I spent the morning pretty much yawning through my work. I did get some supply ordering done. I don't know why but I procrastinate so bad when it comes to stuff like that. I wait until the last minute and then have
to rush. I must work on that this year.
We did get a london shade finished for a client. I love those shades when they are made out of the right fabric. Soft fabrics work best. When they are stiff, they just loose the soft folds they are intended to have. Thankfully, this fabric was soft.
I am going to spend the rest of the day figuring yardage and cutting lumber.
Oh, I did find out that we will have work in the Buckhead Symphony Showhome this year. We will be doing bedding and window treatments. I think the Symphony Showhome is the most prestigious show home in town. We will be working for a decorator. I'm very excited to be able to have work there. Hope you can come see it.
(Above photo is a luxury dog/cat bed we made for a showhome)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cherry Lane

Welcome to the 1st post to our new blog. We are a custom drapery workroom in Canton, GA, just north of Atlanta. We design and make custom draperies for retail clients as well as interior designers.
We have so much fun creating beautiful window treatments, bedding and custom furniture that we thought it would be interesting to start a blog to share all of our interesting moments. We try to keep abreast of all the new techniques and styles but keep an old world work ethic. We make everything by hand and pay attention to every detail along the construction process.
We look forward to sharing all of our adventures throughout the year. We hope you enjoy reading our blog. Our first big adventure starts in less than 2 weeks. We are going to a drapery and fabric show in Paris, France. We are so excited!!!! Hope you enjoy our posts from there.