Photo Courtesy of Designer Anne Ciccoini

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Run, Run as fast as you can....

Today, I just went non-stop. I had to take cupcakes to Ben's class at lunch, then come back, do some work, go pick up Eva, bring her home. I then had to go to Norcross and pick up linings, then to a decorator's house to drop off pillows, then to one of her customer's house, then to another decorator's shop, then finally to my last appointment of the day at 6pm. I stopped by to try and get a belated birthday present for Ben but they were out as well. So, home I went.

We have been trying to get some orders knocked out this week. Lisa got a lot done while I was running today. I'm so glad she was here.

The appointment tonight was for arched panels.....yes, arched. I guess the last set was just practice. These will have an attached valance and the arch is a little more pronounced. It ought to be pretty interesting. The dining panels are going to look really pretty. We have done the tab top with cuffs before and they look really nice. I hope the fabric she picks out looks good.

The above picture was of the valance and panels we hung yesterday. It was around feet long and very heavy. It took two of us to get it up there. I thought it turned out really nice though.

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