Photo Courtesy of Designer Anne Ciccoini

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted. It has been crazy busy this week. I worked on an order until 4am the other night and then got up at 6am to finish. I have never been that behind before. Everything went great though. The customer actually cried and hugged my neck when she saw her room. That made me feel good. I'm so glad I could make her that happy.

None of my fabric came in for the show home. I'm supposed to move in monday morning but that is not going to happen now. I am having to work on several other treatments for the show home so I will get those done while I am waiting.

I met with another designer that is decorating the room next to mine. We are trying to coordinate everything so that it looks good together but we still have our own look. I think it's going to be great. The house is fabulous. The library looks like the one off of "Beauty and the Beast. It has it's own staircase. The detail in this house is unbelievable. If you live in the Atlanta area, I highly recommend going to the Roswell Women's Club show home in Marietta. It opens the first weekend in March.
The above image is a computer rendering that I did for a client. We installed the treatment and I will post pics as soon as I get them.

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