Photo Courtesy of Designer Anne Ciccoini

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Not your grandma's pinch pleats

There are so many different pleat styles these days, one doesn't have to settle for the traditional pinch pleat if they don't want to. Even though the traditional style is timeless, some customers are opting for a more clean, updated pleat. Enter the euro pleat. Instead of being tacked at the bottom of the pleat like the traditional pleat, these pleats are tacked at the top of the pleat. It adds a bit of sophistication to custom drapery panels. These pleats can be made long (4-5 inches) or short (2 inches). Either way, they allow the customer to get the panels they want with a modern twist.
Tonight I had dinner with one of my designer friends, Anne. We have such a good time when we are together. We have a lot of common interests besides work but it is always fun to sit and talk to someone creative. I hope you enjoyed my little informative spill. I always like to educate my clients on all of their options.

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