Photo Courtesy of Designer Anne Ciccoini

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Just Call Me Scarlett

I remember reading "Gone With the Wind" when I was in sixth grade. I read the whole book in less that a week and fell in love with Scarlett. I was very shy and insecure and the whole "take the bull by the horns" attitude intrigued me. Unfortunately, one of her characteristics that rubbed off was the whole "tomorrow is another day" mentality of dealing with things. Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow. That is soooo me!!! I am really trying to change that part of me but it is so difficult since it has been around for a while.

This weekend, I am paying the price. I have made 12 pillows (with zippers) 3 bedspreads, and put in 64 grommets (with the help of my loving husband). Several of the pillows are unusual sizes so I have to still make the down pillow forms for those. By making the forms, I'm talking cutting other down pillows up and stuffing the new ones. Zyrtex, here I come. That always makes me sneeze and cough. My eyes tear up, it's horrible. This install is in the morning and I have to get everything ready. I hope the customer likes it all. There is a lot to deliver. After this, I need a vacation!!! I won't take one though, too much going on.

Well, let me get to the feathers and get it over with. I will post pics when we get everything up. Actually, I may post pics of the mess with the feathers. We'll see......

The above picture is another condo in Florida that we made draperies for.

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