Photo Courtesy of Designer Anne Ciccoini

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hard Days Night

Boy, am I tired. The reason I haven't been posting is because I am working everynight. I have a really big order due Monday morning and have been trying to get it all done. We are all working like crazy. I had to go buy supplies today over in Norcross. Even though I only planned to be there a couple of hours, I spent all day making stops. The kids watched a movie in the back of the car while I went from place to place. My machine had a little freak out fit night before last so I had to go get a part for it. I had a freak out fit the rest of the night trying to figure out what I was going to do with my main machine not working and this order due.

It is spring break here and I want so bad to go on a mini vacation. I think I will plan one as soon as I get all this work done. That will be a little treat to myself. Speaking of vacations, the above picture is from a condo in Panama City, Florida that we did.

I will post pics of all the bedding and window treatments that we are working on when we get them installed. I did pick up a lot more fabric today so "Bring it on....."

My husbands new office is in dire need of a makeover so I may have to take some time and get that done for him. We will see.

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