Photo Courtesy of Designer Anne Ciccoini

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Working for the Weekend

Wow, it has been really busy. When I'm down in the studio working like crazy, it is very difficult to keep up with the blog. I will try to do better. LOL. My husband looked at me last Friday and said, "Smile, it's Friday" to which I replied, "Does it count as Friday when you have to work the weekend?"

We have been working on a lot of things in the past week or so. We did a master bedroom treatment. Will try to get pictures when we can. We did a custom awning treatment for a Princess and The Frog themed playroom. I posted a picture of this one.

I also redesigned a dress for the Kentucky Derby for a client. She found the hat and fell in love but the dress lacked a little something, so I have been working on that. I got it delivered today and I really hope she loves it.

Brenda, from Fauxtastic Finishes and I installed the awning valance tonight. I hate installing. She did most of the work. I don't know why I have such a mental block. I don't mind helping at installations, I just hate being the one doing all of it. Let someone else get it up and I will do all the frou-frou.

Lisa and I are working on 4 double width 2 story arched panels right now. They are a ton of work. Making the pattern is a pain but I am determined to treat this as a challenge that I will conquer. LOL.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Playroom Heaven

This has been a really busy week. We have had 2 really big installs this week. The latest one was a playroom for a really lucky little girl. She loves fashion designers so the theme of the room was fashion. A stage was installed with lights underneath, a platform bed in which a twin mattress was turned into a sofa, complete with pillows. One wall was painted with dress forms and I went in and added three dimensional accents to them. The exterior of the room was painted to resemble the outside of a dress shop with shutters and an awning. It was too cute. She will get years of playtime out of it.

We got several new clients this week and have a really busy week in store next week too.

I am planning to tag along with my husband on his business trips this summer. He is going to New Orleans, Washington DC, and Las Vegas. I am going to have to work really hard to schedule things around these trips.

Tomorrow afternoon is the Vendor Party at the Atlanta Symphony Show Home. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm hoping to make some really good business contacts.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

9 Hour Install????

I time myself for ever thing. How much house cleaning can I do during commercials, can I unload and load the dishwasher during a commercial, how fast can I get a pillow made (my record is 21 minutes), how much work can I get done during a movie, etc. Today, I reached a new low. I went to an install and realized I was missing a bracket. I called Lisa (my assistant) and she found it so I raced back to get it. Being lunchtime, I stopped at one of those gas station/ fast food places to fill up and grab lunch. I actually timed myself to see if I could eat my lunch while 25.00 worth of gas pumped in my car. The bad thing is that I did it.

Today was crazy. I thought this install would last 3 hours, it lasted 9. I left there, went to pick up fabric and drove to drop off draperies and pick up cushions. I got back after 9pm. I don't seem to be able to get home before then when I am out. Eva was with me most of the day so we had fun together. We sang ABBA tunes in the car. She is so funny.

The above picture is of the master bedroom that we did today. There were a lot of other rooms and I will post those pics later.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Just Call Me Scarlett

I remember reading "Gone With the Wind" when I was in sixth grade. I read the whole book in less that a week and fell in love with Scarlett. I was very shy and insecure and the whole "take the bull by the horns" attitude intrigued me. Unfortunately, one of her characteristics that rubbed off was the whole "tomorrow is another day" mentality of dealing with things. Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow. That is soooo me!!! I am really trying to change that part of me but it is so difficult since it has been around for a while.

This weekend, I am paying the price. I have made 12 pillows (with zippers) 3 bedspreads, and put in 64 grommets (with the help of my loving husband). Several of the pillows are unusual sizes so I have to still make the down pillow forms for those. By making the forms, I'm talking cutting other down pillows up and stuffing the new ones. Zyrtex, here I come. That always makes me sneeze and cough. My eyes tear up, it's horrible. This install is in the morning and I have to get everything ready. I hope the customer likes it all. There is a lot to deliver. After this, I need a vacation!!! I won't take one though, too much going on.

Well, let me get to the feathers and get it over with. I will post pics when we get everything up. Actually, I may post pics of the mess with the feathers. We'll see......

The above picture is another condo in Florida that we made draperies for.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hard Days Night

Boy, am I tired. The reason I haven't been posting is because I am working everynight. I have a really big order due Monday morning and have been trying to get it all done. We are all working like crazy. I had to go buy supplies today over in Norcross. Even though I only planned to be there a couple of hours, I spent all day making stops. The kids watched a movie in the back of the car while I went from place to place. My machine had a little freak out fit night before last so I had to go get a part for it. I had a freak out fit the rest of the night trying to figure out what I was going to do with my main machine not working and this order due.

It is spring break here and I want so bad to go on a mini vacation. I think I will plan one as soon as I get all this work done. That will be a little treat to myself. Speaking of vacations, the above picture is from a condo in Panama City, Florida that we did.

I will post pics of all the bedding and window treatments that we are working on when we get them installed. I did pick up a lot more fabric today so "Bring it on....."

My husbands new office is in dire need of a makeover so I may have to take some time and get that done for him. We will see.