Photo Courtesy of Designer Anne Ciccoini

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Coffee and Ideas

Today was a really great day!!! I had a coffee meeting with Karran Gloer of Simply Stylish Life. She is starting an online lifestyle magazine on October 1st. Cherry Lane Drapery will be writing a monthly design column. We tossed around so many ideas. It was a really great meeting and I am looking forward to this new opportunity. You can go to their homepage at The magazine should be up and running on Oct. 1 so please check it out. Let's make this so successful that she can go to a print version as soon as possible.

My mind has been ablaze last night and this morning with opening new directions for the business. I made some email contacts and are excited about the possibilities.

There is a new business opening up in the morning in downtown Woodstock called Pineapple Park. They are a home interior store and design business. Competition, yes, but I really wish them success. I would love to see the downtown Woodstock area shops all rented out. It is really a great area.

I am looking forward to the Labor Day weekend. It's always nice to spend time at home with the family. I do hope we can get the downstairs bathroom finished so I can post pictures. I had some of my prints I bought in Paris framed and really excited about getting them up. Can't wait to share.

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