Photo Courtesy of Designer Anne Ciccoini

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What a fabulous day!!!

I really took a day off today. My friend Lisa (not my assistant) and I got a sitter for the kids and went to Camilla's Day Spa and had a 1 hour massage and a 1 hour facial. It was awesome. Lori (not me) the owner and her staff were so nice. I think I fell asleep during my facial. We were so relaxed. We went out to lunch and went shopping afterwards. Since we had a sitter, we took full advantage. I even had my phone turned off. Those of you who know me know what a major step that is. I did have a few crisis calls but took care of those when I got home.

Congratulations go out to Pam of PS Interiors and Anne of Rosehall Kitchens and Baths. They are two decorators that I work for. Both of them got signed contracts today for design work. I'm so happy for them, not because I will get work from it, I will, but because I think it's wonderful to be able to do what you love to do for a living. I'm glad they have that opportunity. I'm thankful all the time that I get to do what I love. I loved nursing when I was doing it but when it was time to change, it was time to change.

I do have to do a few things while I am off this week but they are not big projects so I should be able to knock them out.

The above picture is a modified london shade over a master bathtub.

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