Photo Courtesy of Designer Anne Ciccoini

Monday, February 15, 2010

Working Hard on the Show Home

Why do decorators change their minds after everything is already cut out? Do they realize the time it takes to make changes then? I don't think so. After all, we have magic mice like Cinderella that make everything fabulous. Right!!!. We spent all morning trying to make a fix to the stuff we had already cut out. Not only did she change the actual treatments, she changed the finish length too. It was a total pain.

I picked up the prints from Paris for the show home. I haven't gotten a chance to look at them yet. It is too cold to go take them out of the van.

I did go to a decorator friend's home tonight. She does staging and has a practical shop in her basement. I found many pieces for the terrace level that we are doing. She is loaning everything to me!!!!! That really takes a load off. Now I just have to come up with a fabulous treatment for the sewing room. My mind is racing but nothing yet. I will probably think of something in the middle of the night like I usually do.

Well, the clock strikes 10pm and I have more work to do.

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